Pictures of Termini Imerese - Page 1
Il Grande Albergo delle Terme
The Grande Hotel
Il Duomo di Termini
The Cathedral of Termini
This is the current Cathedral in Termini Imerese. The former Cathedral was constructed in the 5th or 6th
century and named Saint Giacomo. Is it possible that Saint James stopped in
Termini on his way from the Holy Land to Spain after the death of Jesus?
This earlier Cathedral was consecrated by Pope Innocent III in 1209, and I
believe there is a plaque concerning this event. The fire in the sacristy
about 1500 ruined all the records. Some of the original walls are still
standing and can be seen behind the home of Joe Navarra, not far from the
present Cathedral. Present day records begin about 1540.
This information provided by Father Anthony Delisi
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Copyright© June 24, 2021, Laura L Johnson,, Comuni di