Submitted by Mary Wilcox

Bartolo & Theresa (Capone) Purpura, both from Termini, Married there in 1893. Settled in Watertown, NY in late l890s

Picture of my father, Michael Purpura 7/02-12/62

Paternal gr.grandparents from Termini were Joseph & Marie Battaglia Purpura, probably born in early 1830s. Their son, Bartolo (1871-1944) married Theresa Capone (1877-1938) in Termini 1893. They settled in Watertown NY late 1890s - the parents of 16 children. Triplets were born to them in 1924, the first recorded in Watertown. A brother of Bartolo, James and a sister, Vincenza (married a Tortorici in Termini) journeyed to the States at the same time, also settling in Watertown. Decendants married into families with familiar names from the Termini area : Bova, Tubolino, Biondolillo, Piazza.

Maternal gr.grandparents - Michael Capone married Marguerite Spicuzza (born 1833-1916) , both from Termini. Marguerite possibly emigrated at same time as Bartolo and Theresa. Four Capone sons and another daughter settled in Milwaukee. Three sons left and arrived in Watertown for remainer of their lives. Both families were fisherman in Termini and in the fruit business in Watertown.

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