The Termini Imerese Mailing List Archives
In an effort to conserve space, all messages that are non-consequential to the list have been deleted from the archives. These include messages of "me, too", "thank you", and non-genealogical or cultural messages.
March 15, 2000 to March 21, 2000
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Message 343
Date: Mar 18 2000
From: Phyllis Grembi
Subject: Balsamo
Message: I have a Giuseppe Balsamo who married my grandfather's sister Filippa
LaMantia. They had the following children:
Provendenza m. Agostino Passafiume, residing in Termini Imerese
Giuseppina m. ? Cigna, residing in Termini Imerese
Message 345
Date: Mar 19 2000
From: Alecia Tipton
Subject: Passafiume
Message: Hello Everyone, I'm working on the Passafiume's of Termini, Sciara and
Trabia. Most are related. I'm waiting for film to get our direst line, but
have lots of data for that name from those towns. My husbands mother was a
Passafiume. Her parents were Salvatore born 1871, son of Antonio Passafiume
and Antonina Montalbano. He had a sister who married a Lentine, another
married David Schillace and a third married a Montalbano. Family lived in
Rome,NY, Louisiana, Hawaii and CA. Passafiume cousins lived in Pitts.,PA. &
San Jose,CA. Salvatore Passafiume married 1903 to Giuseppa Ippolito of
Trabia,Italy in Hawaii, daughter of Giuseppe Ippolito & Giuseppa La Russa.
Message 350
Date: Mar 19 2000
From: Phyllis Grembi
Subject: Passafiume
Message: Giusippe Balsamo married Filippa LaMantia and they had at least 6 children.
One, Provendenza (Zina) married ???Agostino Passafiume. They have two
children, Maria married to ???Longo with 2 children, and Salvatore married
to ???? with no children. They live in Termini Imerese, all in the same area.
Message 352
Date: Mar 19 2000
From: Fran
Subject: Passafiume
Message: hello, my name is Frances, my moms maiden names is passafiume
her father was from termini imerese his name was Michael, the family
had other names also from there and caccamo, calabro..guzzo...sgro.
the last two names were shortened when they came to the USA, do you
have any of these names fran.
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