Termini Imerese Stories

The Termini Imerese Mailing List Archives

In an effort to conserve space, all messages that are non-consequential to the list have been deleted from the archives. These include messages of "me, too", "thank you", and non-genealogical or cultural messages.

March 1, 2000 to March 7, 2000

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Message 283

Date: Mar 03 2000
From: Vincenzo Fasone
Subject: Surprises
Message: After sending a letter to Termini Imerese only 2 days ago to obtain birth certificates for my grand father & his siblings (and asking for years if they had these already) my grand mother calls today to tell me that my grand father & all his siblings have copies of their birth/baptismal records & their original passports from 1926! I learned from the baptisimal record that his god parents were Domenico Iannarino & Giuseppa Giuffre'. Thought I would post these names & see if any of you might have been related to these people. The baptism took place at The Church of St. Nicolo'. Does anyone know if that church is still there?

Message 284

Date: Mar 03 2000
From: Vincenzo Fasone
Subject: Pusateri
Message: I noticed the Pusateri name in the database the other day & there are quite a few Pusateri's who live in my town here in Ohio. I asked my grand father tonite if they were from Termini Imerese & he said he wasn't sure, but they were close friends with his parents when he was growing up, so he assumes that they are. If anyone researching that name would like to get in contact with any of these people here, let me know & I can see what I can do for you.

Message 285

Date: Mar 04 2000
From: Laura Johnson
Subject: Surprises
Message: I recently wrote an article for the Comunes of Italy Magazine in which I mention about the the Chiesa di San Nicolo di Bari which is located in Termini Imerese. The information I have on this church is very limited and was in a tourist guide that I received from Phil Sansone a while back (he wrote to Termini and asked for this guide).

This is an excerpt from the article I wrote that talks about this Church. " If you go down the Via SS Salavatore, you can reach via Giralbaldia and from here, the Piazza Duomo. In the center of the square, there is a stautue which was dedicated to Guiseppe La Masa. On one side of the square is the Termitan Cathedral of San Nicola di Bari which was built during the 1400's and then later was rebuilt during the seventeenth century. The statues on the outside of this cathedral date back to the sixteenth century while a fragment of the cornice on the right side is from the Roman era. The interiors have many Renaissance and Baroque sculptures and include a fifteenth century crucifix which was painted by Pietro Ruzzolone."

Message 284

Date: Mar 04 2000
From: Grace Olivo
Subject: St. Nicholas of Bari Church, Termini Imerese
Message: "The Duomo, dedicated to St. Nicholas of Bari, built in the late 15C and reconstructed in 1604, stands in Piazza Duomo. In the side niches in the facade, completed in 1912, are four statues of saints,originally in a 16C altar-piece by Giuliano Mancino and Bartolomeo Berrettaro. The Cathedral contains the Madonna della Mazza [Madonna with Club], a statue by Giorgio da Milano [1487], the Virgine del Ponte [Virgin of the Bridge] by Ignazio Marabitti and, behind the high altar, the Vergine in trono [Virgin Enthroned], a sculpture by Mancino and Berrattaro, which is part of the same altar-piece that the statues in the facade come from. The 18C Chapel of the Sacrament contains alto-rilievos by Ignazio Marabitti and Federico Siragusa; in the apse there is a painted cross by Pietro Ruzzolone [1484]."

Excerpted from "Sicily and Its Islands"

Message 288

Date: Mar 04 2000
From: Vince Cirivello
Subject: Pusateri
Message: My grandfather, Calogero Rocco Pusateri, was born in Termini on April 06, 1892. He died on May 07, 1938, in Toronto, Canada, shortly after returning from a trip to Sicily.

Message 289

Date: Mar 04 2000
From: Joseph Laiacona
Subject: Pusateri
Message: I'm a descendant of Pusateris and through this list I have found a 3rd cousin or some such. We are both descended from Giuseppe Pusateri (b. 1810) and Teresa Spolla (b. 1810). My Pusateris settled in Buffalo and Lockport.

I may be related to some of the Ohio Pusateris since my mother has cousins who lived there.

You can see my tree at http://www.laiacona.org

I'm also a Battaglia, Rinella, Gatto, Formica, Mineo... to name just a few.

Message 291

Date: Mar 04 2000
From: Marie Tinley
Subject: Pusateri
Message: Vince, I am researching Pusateri. My grandmother was Rose,her mother was Maria and her father was Guiseppe. Guiseppe was born in Termini Dec.24, 1861. His father was Michele Pusateri his mother was Rosaria Di F(*******) can't read the last name Can you find out from your grandfather if the name with Di F *****is familiar to him? How could it be spelled she also came from Termini, so the name is possible in that area. Thank you Would appreciate an answer. Marie

Message 293

Date: Mar 05 2000
From: Phyllis Grembi
Subject: Pusateri
Message: Only recently began to write to the List after reading it for awhile. Although I have not posted any family names on the Termini site, I do have a Pusateri married into the family. He was Salvatore, and he married my grandfather's sister, Domenica LaMantia. She was born somewhere between 1887 and 1897. She and Salvatore had two daughters...Agostina who married Agostino Castro. He still lives in Termini. The other daughter was Rosa. She married Salvatore Badalia. She still lives in Termini. Agostina has two daughters, Giuseppina who is a language teacher in Termini, and Domenica who is the widow of Carmello DiNovo. Rosa has 4 sons, Pietro, Salvatore, Rosario, Giuseppe, and one daughter, Cosima. She is married to Rosolino Piazzo. I believe they all live in Termini....via Garibaldi and via Palermo.

Message 294

Date: Mar 05 2000
From: Tony Rini
Subject: Pusateri
Message: I have a Josephine Pusateri married to my great-great-uncle, Anthony LoSchiavo (born 1869, died 2/13/57). I know you mentioned your mom's Ohio cousins. Josephine and Anthony are buried in Cleveland, Ohio at Calvary Cemetery. I also have a great aunt that married a Pusateri, named Pauline Rini. I also have another great-great-aunt, Rosalia Mascari (born 06/24/1855), who married a Antonio Pusateri in 1881. I hope this helps some.

Message 296

Date: Mar 06 2000
From: Vince Cirivello
Subject: Pusateri
Message: Dear Phillis, I noticed the surname DiNovo in your E-Mail.

We may have some connection a few generations back. In my family, Giuseppe Pusateri, son of Pasquale Pusateri and Teresa Spalla married Maria Cusimano, daughter of Calogero Cusimano and Antonina DiNovo on April 7, 1881 in Termini.

Message 297

Date: Mar 06 2000
From: Doris Guarino
Subject: Pusateri
Message: For all Pusateri searchers, I have a Caterina Pusateri. She married Mariano Graziano probably in the 1840's-50's in Termini Imerese. They are listed as the parents of Maria Graziano who married Saverio Calderone in Jan.of 1877. They had 9 children. Also in Termini Imerese. I am sending for the data on Pusateri and Mariano Graziano.

I also have listed a Tom Pusateri married to Maria Fuci..she was born in the1860's, also in Termini Imerese. What is Tom in Sicilian? Does any of this fit in with what you all have?

Message 298

Date: Mar 06 2000
From: Robert Pusateri
Subject: Pusateri
Message: I have Andrea Pusateri born abt 1840 whose father might be Vincenzo Pusateri born abt 1812.

Andrea married Maria Carmello (a) they had Antonio 1852, Vincenza 1855, Vincenzo 1858, Anna 1861and Cosimo 1866.

With the usual naming traditions Antonio was most probably named after the dead father of Maria, then the next two after Vincenzo.

Message 301

Date: Mar 06 2000
From: Frank Petro
Subject: Pusateri
Message: on the naming traditions - the FIRST male child would be named after the father's father (not the mother's father), and the first female child named after the father's mother - then the SECOND male and second female children would be named after the mother's parents. They were pretty strict about this will help in your search of previous generations

Message 302

Date: Mar 06 2000
From: Paul Caito
Subject: Palmisano
Message: Hi Andy,

Glad you received the information. I kind of forgot about it to tell you the truth. Now that you've sent me a note, I also realized that I never told you who Iganzio Palmisano's parents were or what I found about him. I got his death certificate from the Monroe County (Rochester, NY) Health Dept and his parents are listed as Michele Palmisano and Maggie LoPresti. No city of birth was listed. No birth date was given on the death certificate (which is odd) but his age is listed as "about 51 years old" which would give him a birth year of abt. 1863 (date of death was Dec 31, 1914 in Rochester. His obituary listed no siblings - darn! Only his wife and children are listed as survivors and there are no clues in the obituary to lead me to any other city for any other relatives - rats! I also looked through three different local papers on microfilm for his obituaries and all three obituaries list exactly the same information. I have sometimes found that some newspapers list more information than other newspapers - but no help here on that. I'm sure Ignazio had some siblings, it would be pretty unusual to be any only child. The only way that I could think of to find his siblings is to search the Termini microfilms for his birth and see what his parents names are listed as in there and then searching the microfilms for any other children who have the same parents as those listed for his birth (I'm kind of questioning the mother's name of 'Maggie" it just doesn't sound right to me, you know what I mean?) Food for thought.

Message 306

Date: Mar 07 2000
From: Robert Pusateri
Subject: Pusateri
Message: I meant Andrea was born about 1830, I hit the wrong key.

On naming traditions that I read First child after husbands father, except if the wife's father was already dead and the husbands dad still alive, then the first child after her father, then #2 after the husbands father. Since they didn't know if they would have another child I figured they maybe named the girl Vincenza and then they did have a boy so Vincenzo.

Again I have nothing to back me up for fathers Andrea and Vincenzo birth dates.

Message 307

Date: Mar 07 2000
From: Mary Lorraine Guzar
Subject: Palmisano
Message: Saw this note today that you sent to Andy. You had better stop this. Every time I see one of your notes I see more familiar names. Can't keep up with it all. The name I am referring to this time is LoPresti. Guess what??? I have LoPresti cousins living here in Hamilton. Have absolutely no idea how we are related. Do remember that they owned a Pharmacy and remember my mother talking about them and seeing them (more often as a youngster) at weddings, funerals etc. Part of the problem I encounter is due to the fact that my father was in his early forties and my mother in her thirties when they married. All of my relatives were well on age-wise as I was growing up. We had approximately 250 guests at my wedding and that was just my side of the family. When my daughter married in August it really hit home as to how many funerals I'd attended over the last twenty-five years. We only had about sixty people attend from my side of the family. Anyway enough babbling for now. Just wanted to let you know that if I run into any information on the LoPresti's I will forward to you. I guess that the connection comes through my mother's side (Palmisano - LoPresti) and yet again I would have thought that they were related through my dad's side. Who knows perhaps they are related on both sides.

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