Termini Imerese Stories

The Termini Imerese Mailing List Archives

In an effort to conserve space, all messages that are non-consequential to the list have been deleted from the archives. These include messages of "me, too", "thank you", and non-genealogical or cultural messages.

January 22, 2000 to January 28, 2000

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Message 143

Date: Jan 25 2000
From: Frank Petro
Subject: Crisanti / Amodeo Marriage Certificate
Message: Not much coming across the Termini Imerese wire lately, so I thought I'd send out the following info.

I came across a marriage certificate from 1828, for a Vincenzo Crisanti (born abt 1813) and Antonina Amodeo (born abt 1819).

Antonina's father was Mariano and her mothers name was Maria - but can't make out the maiden name. For Vincenzo's side it only showed ' genitori ignati ' (parents unknown) - how sad.

This Amodeo family is most likely related to my Zuccaro ancestors, and this particular wedding was on the same day as my great-great grandparents (also my great-great-great grandfather, Salvatore Zuccaro, was a witness on this Crisanti/Amodeo certificate).

I'm currently adding names to Laura's database and will probably include the above on my next submission to her. But if anyone thinks this might be of use to them - let me know.

Message 144

Date: Jan 27 2000
From: Andy Randazzo
Subject: Palmisano family
Message: I just received some certificates of birth from Termini on some relatives. These certificates gave me some exciting new names. I was wondering if there were any connections with you. My g-g-grandmother was Anna Palmisano. The family tree goes like this.

Leonardo Palmisano married Giuseppa Sansone

Their son was Lorenzo Palmisano (born app 1797)

Antonino Caito married Anna Guglielmino

Their daughter was Maria Ardizzone Caito (born app 1807)

Lorenzo Palmisano married Maria Ardizzone Caito in 1823

Their children are as follows:

Leonardo b. 30 sept 1824

Antonino Giovanni b. 1827

Salvatore b. 20 May 1830

Maria Giuseppa b. 14 May 1833

Giuseppe b. 21 August 1836

Francesca b. 26 sept 1839

Anna b. 1 October 1842 (My g-g-grandmother)

Maria b. 5 February 1846

Message 145

Date: Jan 27 2000
From: Rick Bova
Subject: Re: Palmisano family
Message: Andy,

I assumed you wrote to them to get the certificates. If so, is it possible to send to the list a copy of the letter requesting the information and the address you sent it to. I have not yet started writing over seas for info in my research but would like to start.

Message 146

Date: Jan 27 2000
From: Nicholas Mascari
Subject: Re: Palmisano family
Message: There's a Palmisano family that lives in Geneva, NY (my hometown). One owns the Palmisano Funeral Home. He might have some information.

Message 147

Date: Jan 27 2000
From: Andy Randazzo
Subject: Re: Palmisano family
Message: Richard asked if I could send a copy of the letter that I used to write to Termini. I thought I would post it to the group in case someone else is interested. I used a translator to write the letter and sent it in both english and italian in case the italian translation was so bad that it didnt make sense. This was the second letter that I sent to Termini. I received several copies of birth certificates from the first letter and sent them about $3+ per document in cash to pay for the first documents. They did not request any monies for these documents.

Citta di Termini Imerese

Ufficio di Stato Civile

90018 Italy

Dear , Sirs.

Ciņ č in risposta alla richiesta numero 6777/4449 /? li ringrazia per inoltrare i documenti che ho chiesto. Ho accluso $30.(gli S.U.A..) per coprire la spesa. Ho altra richiesta di alcuni documenti.

This is in response to request number 6777/4449/?

Thank you for sending the documents that I requested.

I have enclosed $30.00 (U.S.A.) to cover the expense.

I have another request for some documents.

Gradirei i certificati di nascita e/o i certificati di unione per Lorenzo Palmisano e Mary Caito.Sono i genitori di Anna e di Maria. La data della Anna della nascita era ottobre 1.1842. La data della Maria della nascita era 1845. Inoltre qualsiasi certificati per i bambini che hanno avuti, tranne Anna Palmisano.

I would like the birth certificates and/or marriage certificates for Lorenzo Palmisano and Mary Caito. Also any certificates for children they had, except for Anna Palmisano. They are the parents of Anna and Maria. Anna was born 1 October, 1842. Maria was born in 1845.

Grazie mille per il vostro aiuto.

Buon Natale.

Message 148

Date: Jan 27 2000
From: Linda McCauley
Subject: RE: Purpura name variations/records
Message: To: Mr. Laiacona

Today I received information from Kathy Kirkpatrick that I was wondering if you had some further information about: My grandmother Rosaria Pusateri's grandparents were Guiseppe Pusateri and Teresa Spolla. Their son Ignazio (my great grandfather) married Giuseppa Pirrone. I wondered if Antoni Pusateri might have been Ignazio's brother, my grandmother's father. It looks as if Ignazio married at twenty-five in 1871 so that means he would have been born in 1846 or so. Do you think he may be related to the Antonio Pusateri that was born on Mar 11 1859. How is Antonio related to you. Thank you

Message 149

Date: Jan 27 2000
From: Linda McCauley
Subject: Pusateri/Spolla
Message: Dear Joe: I am resending my inquiry because I wrote my first message to you on the fly and I think I was unclear. Let me start again. My great great grandparents were Guiseppe Pusateri and Teresa Spolla. They had son, Ignazio, my great grandfather. He married Giuseppa Pirrone in 1871. He was 25. I wondered if the Antonio Pusateri, born June 9, 1829, whom you list as having parents Guiseppi Pusateri and Teresa Spolla could have been Ingazio's brother. Although the math (if he was 25 in 1871) (I have assumed that because the announcements were in 1871 and I assumed they married that year) puts Ignazio at having been born around 1846, and that seems like a lot of time between the two --Ignazio and Antonio--if they were brothers. How are you related to Teresa Spolla and Giuseppe Pusateri. Thanks

Message 150

Date: Jan 27 2000
From: Linda McCauley
Subject: RE: Guiseppa Pirrone
Message: Dear Donna: I have received information that my great grandmother was a Guiseppa Pirrone. She was the daughter of Guiseppe Pirrone and Anna Mirabella. It appears she was 21 when she married Ignazio Pusateri around 1871. That would place her date of birth around 1850. Her father appears to have been deceased when she married. I wonder if the Guiseppa Pirrone born December 24, 1854 might have been her first cousin. I wondered if the two women had a common grandmother for whom they were named, and that their fathers Michele and Guiseppi Pirrone might have been brothers. Would you have any information. My information came from Kathy Kirkpatrick Thank you.

Message 151

Date: Jan 27 2000
From: Paul Caito
Subject: Re: Palmisano family
Message: Hello Andy,

I don't know if you received copies of the original marriage documents or certificates that were abstracts of the original documents, but....., if you only received abstracts, I have a copy of the original marriage document of Lorenzo Palmisano and Maria Ardizzone Caito. I don't know if I'm related to Maria just yet, but it's something I'm working on with Kathy Kirkpatrick. Kathy is going through the Termini microfilms and finding all the Caito's and Ardizzone-Caito's for me.

In my tree, I have an Ignazio Palmisano (b. abt. 1861 in Termini, d. abt. Dec 30, 1914 in Rochester, NY) who married a Maria Corso (b. abt. 1867 in Termini, d. March 27, 1933 in Rochester, NY). It's possible that Ignazio may be a child of one of Lorenzo and Maria's male children. I could check out that possibility by getting Ignazio's death certificate here in Rochester and seeing who his parents were. If it's a connection, I do have many of Ignazio's descendants. Ignazio had a son, Michael, who married Maria Mascari. Maria Mascari was the sister of Phil Sansone's mother, Margherita Mascari Sansone.

I will check on the parents of Ignazio next week. Let me know if you would like a copy of the original marriage document of Lorenzo and Maria (it's 4 pages long and completely in Italian), if you don't already have it.

Message 152

Date: Jan 27 2000
From: Donna Guiffre
Subject: RE: Guiseppa Pirrone
Message: I don't have any info on Michele PIRRONE's (parents, siblings), I wish I did! This is the family I am now working on as well. I am right in the middle of updating my database as I have a whole stack of stuff here to enter. I think I may have some PIRRONE family mixed in here so will get back with you when I run into it. I do however, have a lot of PIRRONE info - descendants of Michele PIRRONE - here is this family's group sheet:


I like your theory - sounds possible (about them possibly being named after a grandmother) and that they are about the same age. Let's definately keep in touch. We seem to have quite a few surnames in common!

Did you see all the PUSATERI info? Do you have LaSCOLA info too?

Message 153

Date: Jan 27 2000
From: Pat Palmisano
Subject: Re: Palmisano family
Message: This is interesting Andy. This Leonardo has a son, Leonardo, with a birthdate in 1824. My husband's great grandfather, Leonardo Palmisano, was born about 1820. I'm in the process of requesting a copy of several documents from Termini (his birth cert among them) and wonder if it will turn out to be the same. My Leonardo was married twice, first to Rosina Pusitero and second to Liboria Russo Sansone. I've printed your email so when I get my information from Termini I can compare it. Thanks for the information.

Message 156

Date: Jan 28 2000
From: Mary Lorraine Guzar
Subject: Re: Palmisano family
Message: Hi Pat:

My great grandfather was Giuseppe Palmisano date of birth February, 1861. He married Lucia Ardizzone Caito. My grandmother (their daughter) Saveria Palmisano was born November 9, 1887. Saveria married Cosimo Sansone and they had nine children. One of them Lucille (my mother).

I am also researching the following surnames.


If you think there is a connection I have a photograph of Giuseppe you might be interested in seeing. Although they lived in Toronto, Ontario Canada Giuseppe and Lucia had returned to Termini for a visit. Giuseppe took ill and died and was buried there. The photo I have was taken around 1937. I am writing to Termini to get some records it is my next project.

Message 157

Date: Jan 28 2000
From: Pat Palmisano
Subject: Re: Palmisano family
Message: Thanks, Mary. I've printed your note and will check my list. It doesn't sound like your Giuseppe (how do you spell that word?!!!) is on the list of people I'm searching for. I'll get back to you, though

Message 158

Date: Jan 28 2000
From: Frank Petro
Subject: First Names on Birth/Marriage Certificates
Message: Some of the first names shown on the official documents of individuals born in the early and mid 1800s are not spelled the way we expect them to be.

Two examples are as follows:

Antonio - Those who we know by this name are almost always shown as Antonino on the certificates. I'm told that Antonino is the official name, but Antonio is the commonly used name in everyday dealings (not really a nick name - like Nino).

Salvatore - Always seems to be shown as Savladore on documents. The ' d ' is usually written rather fancy, but clearly enough to be sure it's a ' d ' - rather than a ' t ' . I'm not sure why this occurs, or if it's only on Sicilian documents - or what. It seems that Salvadore, is more like the Spanish version of Salvatore ( like - Salvador Dali - the artist).

Does anyone have any further insight on this ?

Message 159

Date: Jan 28 2000
From: Linda McCauley
Subject: RE: New Connections
Message: Laura: Did you get my message that the information provided to me by Kathy Kirkpatrick showed that my great great grandparents are also Joe Laiacona's-- Giuseppi Pusateri and Teresa Spolla. So your database is doing it's job. I was really surprised with this connection since I had no information of any kind except my grandmother's name and a trip to Termini in 1925 that Kathy used to put it all together. I mailed you the information on the ancestors. I hope I did it in the right form so that you can update my information. Thanks for everything you are doing.

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