Termini Imerese Stories

The Termini Imerese Mailing List Archives

In an effort to conserve space, all messages that are non-consequential to the list have been deleted from the archives. These include messages of "me, too", "thank you", and non-genealogical or cultural messages.

January 15, 2000 to January 21, 2000

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Message 120

Date: Jan 15 2000
From: Laura Johnson
Subject: 6 of the Churches in Termini Imerese

1, p. del Carmine

90018 Termini Imerese (PA)

Telephone: 0918141565


291, p. Vitt. Eman

90018 Termini Imerese (PA)

Telephone: 0918141291


v. Roma

90018 Termini Imerese (PA)

Telephone: 0918141532


p. S. Antonio

90018 Termini Imerese (PA)

Telephone: 0918142461


p. S. Carlo

90018 Termini Imerese (PA)

Telephone: 0918141564


v. Cimino Salvatore

90018 Termini Imerese (PA)

Telephone: 0918112015

Message 122

Date: Jan 16 2000
From: Rick Bova
Subject: Surnames
Message: I am researching John Bova b Apr 04 1872 Italy, son of Michael Bova and Sandina Giglia of Italy. On Nov 17 1891 in Syracuse NY, he married Rosa Lascola b Dec 08 1875 Termini Imerese, Italy, daughter of Ignazio LaScola and Santina Puecia. Ignazio Lascola parents were Ignazio LaScola and Rosa Rizzo. Santina Puecia were Samuel Puecia and Ignzaia Cosentina.

Message 123

Date: Jan 16 2000
From: Donna Guiffre
Subject: Surnames
Message: My grandfather's sister Salvadora Giuffre married Stefano LaScola - thus I have info on most of the descendants of this branch of the family. Both Stefano and Salvadora are from Termini Imerese.


I also have a RIZZI within the LaSCOLA family (although not the person you mentioned):


Message 125

Date: Jan 16 2000
From: Philip Sansone
Subject: Re: Surnames
Message: I have nothing on Bova, but am wondering what you have on Cosentino.

My Uncle Francesco (Frank) Sansone married Rosa Consentino , b. 6/23/1895 in Baltimore. She died at Malone, NY in 1922. I have info on their family.

Message 127

Date: Jan 16 2000
From: Tony Rini
Subject: RE: Pittsburgh Caito's/FAX/ Questions for Aunt Mae
Message: Hi Paul,

I am also coping the Termini Mailing List on a string of e-mails that began in early December. Paul, I just received back a 14 page letter back from my cousin Mae Caito of Pittsburgh.

She did give me the birth date of my Great- Grandfather Salvatore Mascari as August 5 as far as she could remember. I know he was born in 1851. His only son was Vincenzo so Salvatore's father would also have been named that as well. Bob Pusateri' s great uncle's brother in-law, Salvatore Mascari was born on 8/2/51, and he was the son of Vincent Mascari. The dates and info are very close. I will dig up more hard data and keep you informed.

Mae also answered some of the questions that you had.

1. Does she know the cemetery where her grandfather, Anton Caito, Sr. is buried?

Anton Caito Sr. is buried at Calvary Cemetery in Pittsburgh along with his wife Girolama Sansone Caito, his son, Frank Caito, Frank's wife (Anton's daughter in-law and my great aunt) Mary Mascari Caito Sciubba Mary's sister and my other great aunt, Angelina Mascari Catalano. Infants that died, Anton Jr., Rose, Tommy, and 7 yr. old Samuel are buried at St. Mary's Cemetery in Pittsburgh.

2. Would she know the date of death of her grandfather, Anton? - She is going to send a relative over to the cemetery to get the years for us.

3. Would she know the parents of Anton (her gr-grandparents)? (Could they be Saveria "Sara" Corso and Salvatore "Sam" Ardizzone Caito?) - She did not know who the parents were of Anton Caito Sr. She never heard of those names. Mae did know that Anton Caito Sr. had a sister that lived in Wisconsin that he visited once. Mae also said that her grandmother Girolama Sansone Caito had a brother that visited once.

4. Does she know the first name of Anton's wife (her grandmother)? Would she know Anton's wife's parents names (her gr-grandparents)? - Anton Sr.'s wifes name is as previously Girolama Sansone Mascari. She didn't know the names of the gr-grandparents.

5. Would she know the parents of Mary Mascari Caito (her grandparents on the Mascari side)? I mentioned this to you before but Mary Mascari Caito's(my great aunt) parents were named Salvatore Mascari and Girolama Sansone Mascari. Mae Caito's two grandmothers had the same first and maiden name.

Paul, I will photo copy and mail you a copy of the whole letter. Mae Caito was so excited to write to the both of us. Hope everything is going well. Take care. -

-----Original Message----- From: Paul J. Caito Sent: Saturday, December 11, 1999 4:03 PM To: Tony Rini; Martin V. Rini Subject: Pittsburgh Caito's/FAX/ Questions for Aunt Mae hi Tony, As I read through the article that you sent, I just realized that Aunt Mae is 90 years old. I'm assuming that the "Aunt Mae" who gave you the article is the same "Mae" who was mentioned in the article as have been born in 1909? Very understandable if she would not be comfortable talking to someone from out of the blue. Perhaps one of you would be able to ask her a few questions?? That would at least let me know if I'm on the right track without disturbing Aunt Mae. Does she know the cemetery where her grandfather, Anton Caito, Sr. is buried? Would she know the date of death of her grandfather, Anton? Would she know the parents of Anton (her gr-grandparents)? (Could they be Saveria "Sara" Corso and Salvatore "Sam" Ardizzone Caito?) Does she know the first name of Anton's wife (her grandmother)? Would she know Anton's wife's parents names (her gr-grandparents)? Would she know the parents of Mary Mascari Caito (her grandparents on the Mascari side)? The article says that Anton's wife died in March, 1921 and that Frank died on June 4, 1921 (I'm assuming in Pittsburgh). I'm sure she at least knows the cemetery where Anton and his wife are buried, and if I at least have that info, I can find out all the other things from there. Fortunately, Pennsylvania is fairly quick at sending death certificates and only charges $3 per certificate. The cemetery could give me the approximate dates of death which I could use to order death certificates. Then the death certificates will usually have the parents names on them. Once I know Anton's and Maria's parent's names, I'll be able to tell, if or where, they fit into the family tree. Thanks! Paul

-----Original Message----- From: Tony Rini To: Martin V. Rini Cc: Paul Caito Date: Friday, December 10, 1999 12:48 AM Subject: FW: The Caito's of Pittsburgh/FAX Dad, Paul Caito is a friend of mine researching the Caito, Rini, and Mascari family trees. I sent him a fax with a article that Aunt Mae gave me Sunday at the house. He would very much like to talk to Aunt Mae about the Mae Caito in Pittsburgh. Please talk to Aunt Mae and see if she would be interested in talking to Paul about Mae Caito and let me know. I can also call Mae Caito if she is apprehensive about speaking with a stranger. Let me know. Paul is interested in Anton Caito Sr. of Pittsburgh. Anton Caito is the father in-law of your Aunt Mary of Pittsburgh and the grandfather of your cousin Mae Caito. Paul could be a relative of ours. Let me know and I will let Paul know what Aunt Mae thinks. Thanks Love Tony

-----Original Message----- From: Paul J. Caito Sent: Thursday, December 09, 1999 11:31 PM To: Tony Rini Cc: Mary Lorraine Guzar; Thomas Kennedy; Mrs. Margaret Caito Kennedy; Gladys Hewitt Subject: The Caito's of Pittsburgh/FAX Tony, Received your fax today at the office concerning the article that you mentioned in your e-mail (below)! Thanks very much for sending this on. This is very interesting!!!! I have an Antonio Caito in my tree for whom I have no wife, but he was born May 15, 1854 in Termini. He would have been just the right age to be the Anton Caito, Sr. mentioned in the article. He would have been the brother of my gr-grandfather!! Frank Caito, who is in the photo at the top of the article, definitely has the features of my gr-grandfather, exactly the same jaw line, face width and general countenance. Frank would have been my gr-grandfather's nephew (if Anton is truly the fellow in my tree born May 15, 1854). I have a very strong feeling the the Anton in the article is my gr-uncle. I would very much like to get in touch with Mae Caito and see if she can tell me anything about Anton (like where he's buried) which would help me identify him. This would be a big step toward liking our families. We have so many Caito's marrying Mascari's that this sounds very good. The genealogist I'm working with is currently going through all the Termini records and pulling all the marriages of the Caito's. We started in 1820 and she got to 1827 so far. Just got her first report last week. Eventually, we will find the marriage of my Antonio Caito and it would be incredible if he turns out to have married Mary Mascari, and it matches with these people in Pittsburgh. If this fellow turns out to be my gr-grandfather's brother, then he would also be the brother of Gladys Hewitts gr-grandmother, Maria Ardizzone Caito Sansone; and also the brother of Mary Lorraine's gr-grandmother, Lucia Ardizzone Caito Palmisano. He would also be the brother of Giovanni Michele Ardizzone Caito who is Margaret Caito Kennedy's grandfather and Tom Kennedy's gr-grandfather. Margaret: Do you know who Anton Caito, Sr. is from Pittsburgh?? Tony: Would your Aunt Mae be willing to talk to me if I phoned her?? This is a great lead!! Thanks! Paul

-----Original Message----- From: Tony Rini To: Paul J. Caito Date: Tuesday, December 07, 1999 12:05 AM Subject: RE: Termini names Hi Paul, I was visiting my Aunt Mae yesterday for the holidays. She gave me a newspaper article on the Caito family in the West End of Pittsburgh, PA. My grandmother's (Mariana Mascari Rini) sister Mary Mascari, married Frank Caito in Pittsburgh in the summer of 1903. The article mentions Franks parents Mr. and Mrs. Anton Caito Sr.. Frank and Mary Caito had a daughter Mae Caito who is alive in Pittsburgh. My Aunt Mae still corresponds to her. I can fax this article to you if you are interested. I have a fax machine at home so you can just leave your fax number and I can fax a copy to you. I hope everything is going well. Take care. - Tony

-----Original Message----- From: Paul J. Caito Sent: Saturday, September 25, 1999 8:00 PM To: Alan and Mary Guzar Cc: Tony Rini; Phil Sansone; Laura Johnson Subject: Termini names Dear Mary, Your name and letter were forwarded to me by Phil Sansone and I also received a copy of the letter that Laura Johnson wrote you. All of the names in you letter are very familiar. In my family, we have a Lucia Ardizzone Caito who was born January 14, 1860 in Termini Imerese (I have birth certificate). I have no descendants for her but notes from other family members say she married a man with the surname Sansone. On the other hand, those notes could be incorrect because I have another listing for a sibling of Lucia that says this sister married a man by the name of Giuseppe Palmisano. The genealogist that Phil, Laura and myself work with has not been able to find another female who could have been a sister of Lucia. So, possibly, your Lucia and my Lucia are one and the same and my family member gave me incorrect information when they said her husband was a Sansone. How certain are you of Lucia's birth date? Lucia's parents are Salvatore Ardizzone Caito (b. abt. 1811) and Saveria Corso (b. bet 1816-1817). The genealogist has determined that the correct spelling is "Ardizzone" and the Termini records have the family listed sometimes under just "Ardizzone," sometimes just "Caito" and other times as the combination of "Ardizzone Caito." Lucia would have been the sibling of my gr-grandfather, Agostino Ardizzone Caito (b. Nov 26, 1846 in Termini, d. Sept. 26, 1934 in Batavia, NY; USA) who married Francesca Maria Mascari (b. Aug 15, 1858 in Termini, d. Feb 15, 1944 in Kingston, PA; USA). Francesca was the daughter of Paolo Mascari and Maria Rini of Termini. Lucia and Agostino were two of about 9 children of Salvatore and Saveria. The known children are: Antonina Ardizzone Caito (b. Sept 15, 1838) Onofria Ardizzone Caito (b. Aug 11, 1939) Giovanni Michele Ardizzone Caito (b. Sept 28, 1840) Antonino Ardizzone Caito (b. Oct 14, 1843, d. bef 1854) Agostino Ardizzone Caito (b. Nov 20, 1846) Agostina Caito (b. Jan 15, 1851) Antonino Ardizzone Caito (b. May 15, 1854) Maria Ardizzone Caito (b. Dec 3, 1856) Lucia Caito (b. Jan 14, 1860) The above are the children that the genealogist has been able to locate birth records for. I believe there was at least one other child by the name of Anna who married a man by the surname of Chiaramonte and who lived in Chicago in 1933. She is mentioned in my gr-grandfathers obituary as surviving him and she is identified only as "Mrs. Anna Chiaramonte of Chicago." I have descendants for Giovanni Michele, Agostino, and Maria Ardizzone Caito. It would be great if your gr-grandmother belonged to this family. As for the D'Amore's: Phil Sansone has two D'Amore's in his line, but both of those D'Amore's have different parents than the ones you mentioned of Michael D'Amore and Maria Corso. Phil has a Maria D'Amore (b. bet 1852-1854) who is the daughter of Filippo D'Amore (b. abt. 1811) and Maria Catanzaro (b. ?). Maria married a Salvatore Sansone (b. Jan 13, 1850 in Termini). Then there is Pietra D'Amore (b. May 20, 1856 in Termini) who married Giovanni Sansone (b. May 16, 1853 in Termini). Pietra was the daughter of Francesco D'Amore and Margarita Corso. All of these names have been verified by the genealogist that we work with. What I have found very interesting in working with a genealogist is that information that we had in family records, for instance, written in family bibles or notes from older family members, were not as accurate as I would have thought. My own grandmother, who supplied me with the names of her grandparents, had the wrong names for her grandparents!! She mixed up the spouses with the spouses of other people in the family. It was only when the genealogist found the records in the Termini microfilms in Salt Lake City did I know of the mistake! In my line, there are tons of Mascari's, with lot's of mention of Cianciolo's (Mascari's and Cianciolo's are in Rochester, NY and Milwaukee, Wisconsin), Longo's, one Spicuzza, Rini, Scarpace. I have a mention of a "Re" but have not been able to figure out if there was a connection to the family or not. I work with a genealogy software program called "Family Tree Maker" by Broderbund software. Right now, I have about 1700 people that I've tracked down on my dad's side of the family, who are all from Termini. (My mom's side is English and Irish and I haven't done much on her side, have about 300 people or so). If you work with a software program I would be able to send you GEDCOM files and we could look over each other trees a bit more. By the way, where is Ancaster? Being so close to the Canadian border, I have often gone to many parts of Ontario, most notably Toronto. Are we very far away from each other? Rochester is about 1.25 hrs from Buffalo, NY. Looking forward to hearing from you! Hope we're cousins! Paul J. Caito

Message 129

Date: Jan 17 2000
From: Frank Petro
Subject: Re: Pittsburgh Caito's/FAX/ Questions for Aunt Mae
Message: For tony Rini,

I noticed that you may have a slight difference in birth dates (August 5 vs August 2) on your great grandfather.

Of course this may just be a mistake on the part of one of your sources. But it could also be that both dates are correct. Sicilian (and other Italian) born individuals usually stated their day of baptism as the birth date. In most cases, the child was baptized right away ( next day). But I've seen a 2 or 3 day difference in some cases. Both dates are shown on all Birth Certificates (Atto di Nacita). So, your g-grandfather may have been born on August 2 and baptized on August 5.

Incidentally, I'm sure I must have seen your great grandfathers birth certifcate, as my great grandfather was born in the same year (18 may 1851). Back then, when I was searching for his records - and just learning the ropes, I was reviewing each of the certificates in that year.

Message 131

Date: Jan 17 2000
From: Tony Rini
Subject: RE: Pittsburgh Caito's/FAX/ Questions for Aunt Mae
Message: For Frank,

Thank you for the information. The August 5 date was based on the recollection of my 91 year old cousin. She is very sharp and knew the date right away, but it is still verbal. The August 2 date was from Bob Pusateri's work. There are a lot of similarities to Bob's Salvatore Mascari that he originally published here. I just have to get more concrete information.

Frank, you may already know some of my family as well as I thought I read that you were originally from Cleveland. Anyway thanks for the help and I will keep everyone updated.

Message 132

Date: Jan 17 2000
From: Frank Petro
Subject: Re: Pittsburgh Caito's/FAX/ Questions for Aunt Mae
Message: For Tony Rini,

You are very lucky to have a 91 yr old close relative to talk to on genealogy matters.

Yes, I was born, raised in Cleveland and still live in the area. I don't know any Rini's directly, but I believe my grandparents did - they immigrated to USA in early 1900s. Also there were two Rini brothers who were well known jockey's at Thistledown Race Track in the 1970s - and a large supermarket chain called Rini/Rego in Cleveland.

As to your dilemma on finding a positive linkage on your great grandfather, what you need is a copy of that person's (Salvatore's) birth certificate. Then get the birth certificate for his son (your grandfather Vincenzo) and match the name/age of his listed father - to see if it fits to Salvatore born in 1851. Do you know if Bob Pusateri has an actual copy of the birth certificate for Salvatore?

Certificates show the father's name and mother's full maiden name and their ages - among other things. I don't have that particular certificate, but as I mentioned in my last e-mail, I did take a close look at all births from 1851. I made a partial copy of the 1851 alphabetical INDEX of births which shows limited info, and as luck would have it, the part I have shows a birth for ' Mascari Salv e ' (abbreviation for Salvatore), REGISTERED on 3 Agosto (the actual birth date was probably the day before). The father's name is shown as ' Vinc o ' (Vincenzo). The mother's name is very hard to make out. Her maiden name looks like ' Costa ' and her first name looks something like ' Br???gia ' .

Message 133

Date: Jan 17 2000
From: Bob Pusateri
Subject: Re: Pittsburgh Caito's/FAX/ Questions for Aunt Mae
Message: I have a BIRTH EXTRACT okay. It shows Salvatore Mascari born che addi due del mese di Agosto dell'anno 1851. 2 August 1851 and his parents were Vincenzo Mascari and Costa Biagia. I received this when I was looking for Antonio Pusateri and his wife Rosealie Mascari who is Salvatore's sister.

Message 134

Date: Jan 17 2000
From: Tony Rini
Subject: RE: Salvatore Mascari
Message: To: Frank Petro and Bob Pusateri,

Thanks for all the information. I will keep you posted of any new developments.

Frank, I haven't found a link to the supermarket Rini's or the horse jockeys named Tony Rini Sr. and Jr. My grandparents and great grandparents on both sides knew the founder of the supermarket empire well in the 1910's and 20's but in that day everyone was familiar. The folklore story that was told to my dad when he was young was that there were 7 Rini brothers from who most of the known Rini's descended.

Message 135

Date: Jan 17 2000
From: Grace Olivo
Subject: RINI Surname
Message: Tony Rini -

I have RINI in my tree also. My great-uncle, Rosario BONADONNA married a Madalena RINI and their daughter, Marianna BONADONNA, married a Felice RINI. Anything sound familiar to you?

If I'm not mistaken, I think I heard that some of my mother's RINI cousins moved to Canada, but I'm not sure.

Message 136

Date: Jan 17 2000
From: Tony Rini
Subject: Rini Surname
Message: Grace Olivo-

During that approximate time period these are the Rini's that I know of.

On my fathers side Rini's include, my grandfather, Guisseppi Rini was born in Termini July 12 1878. He had brothers Leonard Reno of Nantasket Beach, Mass., John Reno of Providence R.I., Martin Rini of Cleveland, and sisters Rosalia Rini Purpura, and Angelina Rini Cianciola.

On my mothers side my great great grandmother was Mariana Rini LoSchiavo born in Termini in 1843.

The names of Felice and Madalena have not come up yet, but I will make a note of them. If any information I have sounds familiar, please let me know.

Message 137

Date: Jan 18 2000
From: M Weber
Subject: Re: RINI Surname
Message: I have Rini, Cianciolo, Sansone, Schiavo (the brothers used to argue if it was Schiavo or LoSchiavo) relatives.

My grandmother (Paola Rini-Cianciolo b: 7/8/1868 d4/23/1934) had several brothers and sisters: Marian Rini-Catalano, Angeline Rini-Cianciolo, Rosa Rini-Rini, Joseph (wife Rosina Spicuzza), Nicola (wife Maria Rini), Antonio (wife Marina Caito).

Most of them came to Michigan from Termini Imerese but some did settle in Cleveland.

My grandfather, S. Thomas Schiavo married Anna Sansone. They settled in Hamilton, Ontario.

Anything sound familiar?

Message 138

Date: Jan 18 2000
From: Tony Rini
Subject: RE: RINI Surname
Message: To MWeber:

The names and time period are very close. The only Michigan relatives that I have at this time is my great grandmother's sister, Liborie Sansone Curro. I know that they lived in St Francescos Parish in Detroit.

On my father's side: The earliest Rini's that I have at this point are my Great Grandfather Nicholas Rini and his wife Paola Cianciolo Rini parents of my Grandfather Guiseppi Rini. Guiseppi was born July 1878 and died in July 1930. OF the children, I think four lived in Cleveland, that is Rose Rini Purpura, Angeline Rini Cianciola, Martin Rini, and Guiseppi. I have a scanned picture of Nicholas and Guiseppi Rini if interested.

On my mother's side: The other earliest Rini that I have available is Great Great Grandmother Mariana Rini LoSchiavo born in Termini in 1843. Mariana was married to August LoSchiavo who was born in Termini in 1839. Both are buried in Cleveland at a large LoSchiavo plot in Calvary Cemetery. I don't have any Schiavo's in our tree.

I do not see any immediate connections but we have so many common names and surnames. Please stay in close contact. Thanks

Message 139

Date: Jan 19 2000
From: Laura Johnson
Subject: Interesting Web Page about Sicily
Message: The following web page has some interesting information about Sicily and mentions Termini Imerese


Message 141

Date: Jan 19 2000
From: Mary Lorraine Guzar
Subject: Re: RINI Surname
Message: Hi Tony:

Sounds like we must have lived next door because I remember the same family argument over the surnames SCHIAVO vs LOSCHIAVO. This discussion went on for many years. What I was told was that the correct surname is SCHIAVO and that the LO appeared when a family member went to register a new birth and said THE SCHIAVO baby which was translated to LO. Guess what side of the fence my family was on >grin<.

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