Termini Imerese Stories

The Termini Imerese Mailing List Archives

In an effort to conserve space, all messages that are non-consequential to the list have been deleted from the archives. These include messages of "me, too", "thank you", and non-genealogical or cultural messages.

January 8, 2000 to January 14, 2000

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Message 85

Date: Jan 08 2000
From: M Weber
Subject: Re: Circondario Termini
Message: I was at the cemetary in Termini Imerese a few years ago. It is worth the visit!

Actually, the "single" graves as we have here are more recent. The older form of burial was in mosoleums, most had family names above the doors. I have been told that people were buried on ledges in them. When the body had decomposed, the bones were pushed aside and the self was then ready for the next person.

Unfortunately, I was there on a Saturday and the offices were closed. But I got some pictures

Message 86

Date: Jan 08 2000
From: M Weber
Subject: Re: Ship Alsatia
Message: Try the Steamship Historical Societ of America, Inc.

University of Baltimore Library

S.S.H.S.A Collection

1420 Maryland Ave

Baltimore, Maryland 21201-5779

I got the picture of the ship my grandfather came over on from them.

Message 88

Date: Jan 08 2000
From: Mary Lorraine Guzar
Subject: Re: Circondario Termini
Message: Hi Donna:

I noticed your message on the list and thought I would write you. I have a document that lists my grandfather's mothers maiden name as GUIFFRE.

My family is from Termini Imerese. My grandfather was Cosimo SANSONE who married IGNAZIA GUIFFRE.

IGNAZIA was married to SALVATORE SANSONE from the ZODIA branch of Sansone. I was wondering if you had any Sansone's in your family?

Also I was wondering if there is only one cemetery in Termini Imerese and if so could you give me the mailing address. My great grandfather Giuseppe Palmisano is buried there.

Message 89

Date: Jan 08 2000
From: Donna Guiffre
Subject: posting of SURNAMES
Message: Mary: I do have a SANSONE connection to my GIUFFRE family - here is their family group sheet - this is a direct connection to my family - Angelina SANSONE and Frank PIRRONE


The SANSONE and GUIFFRE couple also look very familiar to me but I cannot find them in my database - so I will check a few other places where I have info that is not yet updated in my stuff.

I am including links to my surname webpages should anyone want to check them out for a possible matches. Most of my father's side of the family is Sicilian and most of the GIUFFREs and related families are from Termini Imeresi or near this area in Sicily.

Does anyone else have a surname listing that they can post. Even though we have identified the main surnames we are researching - we have all accumulated many related families along the way. There just may be that one family - that may really be of interest to someone else.

A list 693 surnames in my GUIFFRE family database:


A list 1154 surnames in my GIUFFRE family database


I don't know anything about the cemetary - I was just wondering if the person who posted the message would somehow be able to share their pictures with the list. Maybe they could be posted on the geocities site with the Termini Database?

Message 91

Date: Jan 08 2000
From: Mary Lorraine Guzar
Subject: Re: posting of SURNAMES
Message: Hi Donna:

I've forwarded your email on to Laura Johnson. She has a web site with among others some Sansone surnames.

One more question. How is Giuffre spelled? I have seen it as Giuffri, Giuffre, Guiffre. I have a document for my grandfather Cosimo Sansone. It lists his father as Salvatore Sansone (from the Zodia) branch of Sansones and his mother as Ignazia Guiffre(i?).

Message 92

Date: Jan 08 2000
From: Donna Guiffre
Subject: RE: posting of SURNAMES
Message: There appear to many variant spellings of the GIUFFRE name. After my Grandfather's family came to America, the spelling of their name was somehow changed to GUIFFRE (one story is that when my great-grandfather had the store-front sign made to his Shoe Store (on Pennsylvania Avenue near the White House), the sign was received miss-spelled. Heh, easier and cheaper to just start using the name spelled the wrong way than to have a new sign made. Here's a picture of the store:


Mary - could you send me all the info you have for Cosimo SANSONE and Ignatia GUIFFRE (birthdates, children, etc.)? If I can't find them in my files (stacks of papers on the floor) I would love to add this family to my GIUFFRE database.

Message 93

Date: Jan 08 2000
From: Donna Guiffre
Subject: GUIFFRE and SANSONE family
Message: I did find an Ignazia GIUFFRE but she was born in 1861 and I do not know who she married


Message 94

Date: Jan 09 2000
From: M Weber
Subject: Re: Circondario Termini
Message: Mary Lorraine,

My great grandfather was Fillipo Sansone from Termini Imerese. He was married to Lucia Cianciolo.

My great, great grandmother was Girolama Palmisan married to Giuseppe Mascari also from Termini Imerese. They go back to the early 1800s.

We are probably related but I don't know a lot about the Sansone or the Mascari side of the family.

Message 95

Date: Jan 09 2000
From: Mary Lorraine Guzar
Subject: Re: GUIFFRE and SANSONE family
Message: That is interesting as the date of birth I have for my Ignazia is only from my mother's recollections. She had told me about 1860. I have one more question for you. Have you anything on the surname ROMANO? There seems to be some confusion at this end as to Ignazia's maiden name. On papers that I have for my grandfather it lists his mother as Ignazia Guiffre(i). But at the family cemetery plot (in Toronto, Ontario) she is listed as Romano.

Message 96

Date: Jan 09 2000
From: Donna Guiffre
Subject: RE: GUIFFRE and SANSONE family
Message: I do also have ROMANOs in our family:


but no Ignazia ROMANO

If your estimated date of birth for Ignazia is 1860 then this may very well be a possible match (unless of course her given name is ROMANO).

Message 104

Date: Jan 09 2000
From: Sandra Clark
Subject: Re: GUIFFRE and SANSONE family Are your Romano's from Termini? I have a Romano that married into one of my families but I think he was from Tuscany.

Message 107

Date: Jan 10 2000
From: James
Subject: Origins of the words TERMINI and IMERESI
Message: Does anyone know the origins of the words TERMINI and IMERESI?

"Termini" sounds like "terminal" as in bus or train terminal. May this have something to do with ships coming to the Gulf of Termini Imeresi which may have been used as the end of a journey?

Someone once told me that "Imeresi" was the name of a people who lived in Sicily. If so, what part of Sicily? Was it in Termini?

Message 108

Date: Jan 10 2000
From: Laura Johnson
Subject: Termini Imerese
Message: TERMINI IMERESE, Sicily

Population 25,389

Postal Code 90018

Phone Code 091

Location: Palermo 38 km; Rome 869 km;

Termini Imerese is divided into an upper city and a lower city, both of which sit on the slopes of a headland on the northern coast. In the Villa Palmeri public gardens are the remains of an old Roman curia and, nearby, those of an amphitheater.

15-16th century frescos inside the church of S. Catherine depict the life of the saint in a popular style with descriptive handwritten texts in the dialect of the time.

There is a magnificent view from the small square behind the church where the belvedere is located.

10 km south is CACCAMO with a picturesque 12th century castle with towers and battlements; it was partly rebuilt in the 17th century and can be visited. It offers some splendid views..

The Hachette Guide to Italy, copyright 1988

Message 109

Date: Jan 10 2000
From: Laura Johnson
Subject: Termini Imerese
Message: posted by Steve Saviello on COI Mailing list

Termini Imerese

The town of Termini Imerese, whose population numbers about 26,000, is located on Sicily's North Coast in the province of Palermo, roughly mid-way between Cefalù and the Sicilian capital. Termini, as it is usually referred to, is about 38 kilometers east of Palermo or about a 25 minutes by car. The town is divided into two parts: Termini Bassa (Lower Termini) and Termini Alta (Upper Termini). Almost all of the town's historical attractions are located in Termini Alta, since that area effectively comprises the town's old historic center. Lower Termini is where the railway-bus station and the hotels are located.

Termini is wedged in between the sea and the steeply-rising slopes of Monte San Calogero, the peak that marks the beginning of the Madonie Mountain Range which runs east towards Messina and South to the vicinity of Enna. Viewed from the sea, Termini presents a picture-postcard image of a Sicilian seaside town. The view from Termini looking out over the sea to Palermo is likewise spectacular. Termini is famous for its elaborate Carnival (Mardi Gras) festival, which is ranked along with Acireale's and Sciacca's Carnevales as one of the best in Sicily.

The name Termini Imerese is derived from the Latin "Thermae Himerenses" or "Hot Springs of Himera." Indeed, the remains of arched Roman aqueducts are visible at Termini. The name also derives from the toponymic "Imera" which was the name the ancient Greeks applied to the settlement near present-day Termini that they came to occupy. The story of Imera is the only historically noteworthy episode that can be linked to the ancient history of Termini Imerese.

Imera was founded in 678 BC by Greek colonists from Zancle (Sickle), modern Messina. Zancle itself had been founded in the previous century by Greek colonists. It is probable that a prehistoric settlement already existed there, populated by Sicanians.

The Greek town of Imera represented the furthest westward penetration of the Greeks on the North Coast of Sicily, and thus, represented a threat to the Carthaginians, who had colonized the western area of Sicily and founded Palermo and Solunto, the latter city being only 30 kilometers distant from Imera. In 480 BC, the Carthaginians decided to invade the region. Hamilcar, a Carthaginian general who was an ancestor of the famous Hannibal who later fought the Romans, assembled an army said to number 30,000 men to march upon Imera. The Greeks of Imera sought and received help from their fellow Greeks of Agrigento and Syracuse. The three combined Greek armies literally massacred the Carthaginians, and thus the Carthaginian threat to the Sicilian Greeks was effectively eliminated, at least for the remainder of that century.

In 409 BC, Hannibal, grandson of Hamilcar, led a large Carthaginian army against Imera. This time, the Greeks were defeated and Imera was destroyed. It is believed that the survivors of the battle fled to either Termini or Caccamo (famous for its Norman castle), and founded the two towns or developed existing settlements.

Most of Termini's sights are located within walking distance of one another. At Piazza Duomo, we have, of course, the Duomo, or Mother Church, dedicated to San Nicola di Bari (St. Nicholas of Bari), "Santa Claus." Built in the late 1400's, it houses a painted cross by Pietro Ruzzolone dating from 1484. However, the church was extensively renovated during the 1600's and that accounts for the many Baroque Period works of art it contains.

Proceeding towards the sea, one comes to Principe di Piemonte (Prince of Piedmont) Belvedere, which offers panoramic views of the sea. At the end of the Belvedere, the winding road which is called "Circonvallazione Castello" leads you downhill to the Villa Palmieri, a public park and garden with plenty of shade trees. Completed in 1845, the Villa contains the remnants of an old Roman structure, which was either the town forum or the basilica of an early Christian church; scholars are in disagreement over which of the two it was.

Leaving the Villa and doubling back towards Piazza Duomo along Via Barrinelli, one arrives at the church of Santa Caterina (St. Catherine). The church was erected in the 1400's and has frescoes dating from that era painted by the brothers Nicolò and Giacomo Graffeo.

The Civic Museum is on Via del Museo. The Museum has an extensive and interesting exhibition for a relatively small city like Termini. It is is open daily from 9:00 to 1:00, when visitors can view its collection of ancient archeological objects from the nearby area, and a good numismatic collection. Several of the lions' heads from Imera's Temple of Victory are located here; others are housed in the archeological museum in Palermo. There is also a large stone slab with Arabic inscriptions written upon it, believed to have been suspended over the city gates of Termini during the period of Saracen domination

Message 113

Date: Jan 10 2000
From: Mary Lorraine Guzar
Subject: Re: GUIFFRE and SANSONE family
Message: Hi Sandra:

I'm not sure. Most of my Italian ancestors are from the Termini Imerese area. I am trying to find out more information on her as we speak. In the meantime I will list some of my other family surnames in case anything else is similar in our lines.


If anything sounds familiar please contact me.

Message 115

Date: Jan 12 2000
From: Jim Spanglo
Subject: Re: GUIFFRE and SANSONE family
Message: mary lorraine,

i also am involved in the surnames..SANSONE..PALMISANO.. and SPANGNOLO also from TERMINI,IMERESE

my ancestors came to the us on the ship.SS CALIFORNIA..1894 arrived in NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA..29 OCTOBER,1894

Message 119

Date: Jan 13 2000
From: Donna Guiffre
Message: I'm sorry, I do not know where the ROMANO individuals are from but you may look at their family group sheets.

these are surnames directly connected to me:


these are all GIUFFRE and related families not directly related (as yet) to my family


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