Termini Imerese Stories

The Termini Imerese Mailing List Archives

In an effort to conserve space, all messages that are non-consequential to the list have been deleted from the archives. These include messages of "me, too", "thank you", and non-genealogical or cultural messages.

February 22, 2000 to February 29, 2000

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Message 269

Date: Feb 25 2000
From: Grace Olivo
Subject: RE: Address - Cash alternative
Message: I have always sent cash, usually a $10 or $20 bill with my requests, the amount dependent upon how many records I was asking for. I've sent cash to Archivio di Statos, Comune Civil Offices, and to churches. Only once did I not get a response - from a church - and when I sent a second request the priest sent me all the records I requested, along with a note that he had never received my first request or the $20 I sent. [I sent him a thank you with another $20] Several times I got the cash back, from Bari and Palermo Provinces, stapled to the records. I've never gotten 'change' but I know people who have had lire sent back to them.

Cashing checks of any kind costs them money, and since most people are only sending $5-10-20 to begin with I always felt to pay $10-20 more than that for an international money order was a waste of money. They prefer the cash.

Message 270

Date: Feb 25 2000
From: Laura Johnson
Subject: Re: Address - Cash alternative
Message: I agree. I always send cash - usually about $5 per certificate that I am requesting. I have received change - in paper lire - in return when the amount was more than they required for the certificates. Also, I have received my US money stapled to my letter twice when I had requested information that they did not have available with a letter explaining that the information was not available.

But I always send two International Reply Coupons with every letter for the postage

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